What music should I bring to my voice lesson?

When a student comes into a voice lesson, they often ask me “What type of music should I bring?”

For years I would assign them songs.

These days I often will show them a diagram of the Zone of Proximal Development.

This concept in educational psychology is thought to be a “Sweet Spot” for Learning.

Some singers will be able to identify this area immediately, while others will have to work on identifying it...

If a student isn't ready for this, I will offer them a list of rep choices that I believe to be in their ZPD. Then ask them to choose what speaks to them.

This work is messy at first. Sometimes the student chooses "wrong," sometimes I choose "wrong." Sometimes we are both suprised with what the student can do.

*If interested in this way of thinking, look up the term scaffolding as it relates to learning

In the long run however, I've found that this approach allows the singer to supercharge their learning and cultivate a sense of agency and ownership over their artistry.

Voice Teachers- how do you handle repertoire selection?

Singers- how adept are you at recognizing your own Zone of Proximal Development?

If you have any questions, or if you’d like to explore your singing happy to chat!

Kevin Michael Murphy